I have been reading Blogging for Dummies which has made me decide that my blogging history is a bit "cart before the horse". I started blogging and then read the book. It should really have been the other way round. Or should it? To be honest I think I have done it the right way round. If I had never written a blog before or used the blogger.com site I don't think I would have got so much out of the book. Knowing the basics has provided the foundations on which I can build and develop my blog. Also I think that looking at the screen captures of outstanding blogs provided in the book may have put me off starting. My initial feeling would have been, I can never do this. However, as I have already started my blog, reading the book has made me excited about finding out how I can develop my blog. To any of my students reading this, starting a blog is simple, don't be put off by the seemingly perfect blogs out there, you can develop things later as you grow more confident.
Advice is, to update my blog frequently, which got me thinking about what frequently means. To some people, using twitter for example, this means every few minutes. To others it can mean daily, and to others once a week or two or three times a week. I think it is important to make sure that I have something to say. Posting several times a day could become repetitive and boring, however it could be relevant and timely when undertaking a specific project or attending a conference. The frequency could change depending on the situation.
I have found out about simple things like adding links using the add link button on the toolbar. This is the small picture of a globe with a chain link above it which allows me to add a link such as this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blogging As I say simple things but it is small steps such as this which will allow me to develop my Blog and make it more powerful and meaningful.
So I will continue to grow and develop my blog with this particular book helping me. It is no use reading the book without putting what I learn into practice so I intend to do this over the next few posts. I am enjoying the journey and enjoying my exploration through technology and learning.
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