Today I am moving on to something completely different from technology. As well as being passionate about technology my other passion is books. I don't always recommend books as they are a very individual thing, however, I believe these books deserve a mention.
The Ultimate Study Skills Handbook by Sarah Moore, Colin Neville, Maura Murphy and Cornelia Connelly
The Study Skills Handbook by Stella Cottrell
The Buzan Study Skills Handbook by Tony Buzan
I have recommended three different books as , as I say, books and the style you prefer are individual. These are all excellent in their own way. The first book has only been published this year so is completely up to date. You can browse through them and buy them at if you click on the link to the right of this post.
However, all is not lost on the technology front either. I have also been exploring my IPod touch and the apps which can support learning. A quick search for Aatomy, Health, Philosophy and Business found many apps some of which are free and others cost a small amount. Of the ones I looked at the most expensive was £2.99. I am reliably informed via the Smartphone Essentials magazine that there are also many educational apps available for the Blackberry. In fact they say that there are more apps aimed at the adult market and less at children, so for those of you with a Blackberry it is worth a look. I will be blogging about the use of Blackberry to support learning in a future blog when I upgrade to a Blackberry Storm 2 in June. Watch this space.
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