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Monday, 3 May 2010

Blogging, Tweeting, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr et al

Have spent a very pleasant day today working my way through a book called 500 Internet Hints, Tips and Techniques by Dan Oliver. This deceptively simple book has enhanced my experience of using several social networking sites such as Twitter, Blogger, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube. Despite the fact that I would consider myself to be fairly competent at using many of the above sites this book has helped me in 2 ways. Firstly, it has given me a lot of new ideas and expanded my horizons in using the sites with which I am already familiar. Secondly it has made me look at sites such as Flickr and YouTube in more depth and has encouraged me to create acounts at both of these sites in order to upload my own photos and videos. I am becoming more daring in my approach.

So in what ways has it changed the way in which I use these sites. Some, as I say are deceptively simple, for example, despite updating my facebook via text message, I did not realise you could do this with Twitter, so have now set this up. This means I can now update without going on to the web. So what, I hear you saying, Well, this stops me using up endless amounts of data through my network provider, and also stops me getting distracted with all the twitter feeds if I just need to update quickly.

This is just one very simple example of the ways in which I have changed my use of these sites. The book gave me very clear steps to follow in all cases and I have managed to do most things so far. A couple of ideas could not be carried through as the links in the site no longer existed. In all fairness to the author this is not his fault, as things change fast in the world of technology. After today I would now consider myself a more advanced user of most of these sites. I will keep you posted as to how Flickr and YouTube go, as I am excited about using these more fully.

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