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Monday 7 June 2010

IPAD Fever

In all the run up to the launch of the Ipad I was a fairly staunch supporter of the what a waste of time and money camp. I believed that it would only play to a niche market, and anyone would need to be mad to pay out money for one. I believed it was both too big to be of any use, and at the same time to small to be of any real benefit. My Ipod Touch, netbook and phone were all I needed in the way of mobile technology.

That was until I go my hands on one, which proved how wrong one girl can be. I have to confess I have only used one in the apple store, but I found myself playing with it for quite some time. My verdict, the IPAD is phenomenal. The first thing I noticed was that the images are pin sharp and knocks everything else I have seen into a cocked hat. The peed of Internet access was outstanding, and I got onto web pages very quickly. You tube works extremely well and the large screen size means that videos can be seen properly. I obviously could not download apps as the device wasn't mine, but there were a number of apps to play with. These worked very well, and I found myself moving from app to app just to see how they worked.

The screen reorientates itself very quickly when turned and I found the keyboard to be extremely easy to use especialy in landscape.

Now comes the biggest revelation, which I have to say rocked my world the most. I am an avid, and very passionate book lover, and hate ebooks with a vengeance, as I say on my other bookaholic blog. I was very sceptical when I looked at the ebook reader on the IPAD, but was blown away. This is the nearest thing to reading a real book I have found. The print was easy to read, and the fact you could turn the pages sold it for me. I also like the way that books are displayed in your bookcase. However, before you think I am completely converted to this, I am also very aware that your book reading might be interrupted at a crucial point by the lack of batter power. Also, although there are a large number of books to choose from this is still not as good as the printed version. In all fairness to apple though, Amazon are also allowing you to download from their ebook collection in an IPAD friendly version, which means that the choice is extended.

Overall, I can say, as you have probably gathered, I am an IPAD convert. I want one. Would it completely replace my Ipod Touch. No. It is a bit too big to use to listen to music regularly. What has this got to do with education? Absolutely nothing, but I was testing it out on my weekend off and in the apple store. Funnily enough the store wasn't that interested in the education side of things, but hey, I was enjoying myself. As they say, all work and no play makes Wendy a very dull girl.

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